When she got hired to be this town’s new manager, she had lots of work to do. But within weeks, the town’s ENTIRE police force retaliated - by resigning! But was it because she was “toxic,” or is there more to the story?
On June 2, 2022, Justine Jones received unanimous council approval to become Kenly, North Carolina’s town manager. But there was one other group who didn’t approve: Kenly’s police department.
And they made a big statement to show it.
Less than two months later, citing a “toxic” and “hostile” work environment, the ENTIRE department resigned. Chief Josh Gibson declared he’d think about returning if Jones were fired.
“They don’t want to be led by anybody Black; that’s Kenly,” said Black resident Cynthia Kirby. Kenly is 36% Black, and its entire police department was white. “They’re always harassing Black people. It’s racial.”
But is there even more to the story?
In 2021, a civil lawsuit accused Kenly police of REFUSING to report their previous town manager, a Black man, for sexual assault. One lieutenant attempted to file the report, then was fired. So would Jones, known for previously suing a county for gender AND race discrimination, have been a threat?
Were their resignations about what Jones did, or what Kenly police were no longer allowed to do?
Police aren't here to keep us safe. If they were, they wouldn't abandon their jobs the moment they are challenged. We can’t make individuals hold themselves accountable, nor can we change a system that was designed to be rotten from the beginning. Good riddance!