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MLK Wasn’t The Only King Assassinated - They Covered This Up!

MLK’s legacy lives on 51 years after his death — but his legacy also casts a shadow over others close to him. It turns out MLK was not the only King to be assassinated!

Sadly, 15 months after MLKs assassination his brother, Alfred “A.D.” King was found dead in his pool. Police claimed he’d drowned, but his wife knew better.

Naomi King told the Seattle Times, “He was an excellent swimmer. There was no water in his lungs. He was in the fetal position…He had a bruised forehead. Rings around his neck. And he was in his underwear. He was murdered.” It gets worse.

A.D.‘s daughter overheard him say on the phone, “They killed my brother. I’m gonna find out who did it.” Coincidence? It’s well known the King’s believe the FBI killed MLK - who’s to say they didn’t kill A.D. too? Poor Mrs. King lost both her sons — and then she was murdered!

Alberta King was playing “The Lord’s Prayer” on her church’s organ when Marcus Chenault stormed the church and opened fire. Chenault’s intended target was Reverend MLK Sr. Chenault’s claimed he shot up the church because “his god’ instructed him to do so.

Black leaders are constantly forced to choose between protecting themselves and their families and fighting for liberation. The entire King family made MLK's dream possible. Like them, we must use the fierce love we have for our families and people to fuel our fight for liberation.

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